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Javier Echeverría

Javier Echeverría (Pamplona, 1948) is a philosopher and mathematician. Since 1986 he has been Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian. Starting from his specialization in Leibniz, Echeverría evolved towards the philosophy of science. Together with Manuel Castells he introduced the debate on new technologies and the city into Spain. He is currently an essential figure of reference within cyberculture, in which he defends positions termed as "European" because of their marked contrast to the case of North America. On identifying Telepolis with the Greek polis, Echeverría avoids the polarization between technophiles and technophobes that characterizes the debate on the Cybercity in the United States. With it he opens a door to hope as faith is placed in the creation of a democratic cyberspace that is not controlled by the "lords of the air."


  • ECHEVERRÍA, Javier. Telépolis. Barcelona: Destino, 1994.
  • ECHEVERRÍA, Javier. Cosmopolitas domésticos. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1995.
  • ECHEVERRÍA, Javier. Los señores del aire: Telépolis y el tercer entorno. Barcelona: Destino, 1999.


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